Hannah’s Final Sunset

We are deeply saddened to let you know that Hannah passed away last night at 7:02. That beautiful sunset we enjoyed last evening? It was her making we’re quite certain. Hannah couldn’t have had a more peaceful passing – in Allyson’s arms while singing to her.

We’re in the process of writing more, but for now, we wanted to let you know.

Thank you for all of your love and support. We’ll be seeking more as we navigate our lives going forward.

With love,

Allyson, Greg and Wes

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13 Responses to Hannah’s Final Sunset

  1. Anne says:

    My husband and I saw the sunset and we are with you in your grief. Love to you…
    Anne (and Ted)

  2. Sarah Osmer says:

    Allyson, with tears streaming down my face, my heart and love is extended to you, Greg and Wes. She was so fortunate to have you as a family. I too saw the sunset and stopped in my tracks. It was so beautiful that I made the kids come see it too. Thank you Hannah.

  3. Lin Giovanni says:

    Dear Allyson, Greg and Wes,

    My heart goes out to you with the passing of your little Hannah. I have followed your journey from the beginning, sent prayers of support and am forever changed by her courage and yours.

    Lin Giovanni

  4. Craig and Brenda says:

    Greg, Allyson and Wes,

    Our hearts break for you with this sad, sad news. We can only believe that there is purpose in everything that happens and Hannah’s purpose was so meaningful. You will carry her in your hearts and your souls every day for the rest of your lives. As much as the pain feels unbearable, her presence in your life, albeit far too short, will offer more than you can ever imagine.

    I wish we had more to offer during this very difficult time. Our thoughts and our prayers are with you. We will be thinking of your family.

    All our love, Craig, Brenda, Madison and Matthew

  5. Betty O says:

    I’m so sorry she is gone, yet happy and rejoice shes in heaven. What a beautiful place this must be for her. Now, as we are all still here, left behind, I pray for your healing. Yet another long road for all of you, One we understand yet don’t.
    Its a beautiful thing that she was in your arms when she left. I know you will always be grateful for this.
    I don’t know how I can help except thru prayer, but if you know of anything, I’m here for you. (360) 8015695. Much love to you. I lite a new candle for Hannah, not that she will need a lite to guide her but just in rememberanc of her and of you for prayer. My heart is sad..

  6. The Evans Family says:

    We are so sad to hear the news of Hannah’s passing. Our hearts and thoughts are with all of you during this difficult time.

    Dave, Jenn, Vance & Blake

  7. Tori Parks says:

    To Allyson, Greg and Wes,
    You do not know me, but your sister Angela, is a dear friend and running partner. We share a love for running, and golden retrievers. Over the course of my fairly new friendship with Angela, she shared your story, the ups and downs , joys and sadness. I grew to feel like I knew you and Hannah. With that said, I wipe the tears away as I type this note to you. I am so sorry for your loss. Hannah was blessed to have a family so loving and caring. I know that she is an Angel in Heaven blowing kisses down at her family now. She will watch after you and help you heal. Thats what Angels do. Again, I send my sincerest condolences to the your family. Love, Tori Parks in Redding

  8. Tim Kern says:

    So sorry to hear of your loss, and so touched by the grace you have all shown. Peace to you all during this time, and thank you for sharing Hannah’s life with your friends.

  9. Kristina says:

    When I got your email I was sad, shed a tear, said a prayer, and realized that of anyone I know, you and Greg will handle the loss of Hannah with grace. As Hannah taught you, you are teaching those around you how to handle the most unimaginable loss. I am deeply sorry for your loss and my heart is with you tonight across the many miles. I wish I could be there to give my friend Allyson a hug. I will pray for you and for Wes tonight that this will be a gentle transition. much love, kristina

  10. Reese says:

    Allyson –
    It is hard to find words to convey the messages in my heart for you and your family…thinking of you and sending love and healing energy.

    Like Wes, I imagine that when you meet your darling Hannah in heaven she will be 19… singing a sweet song and emanating the beauty and grace you gave to her and she to you. I know her spirit is with you now and always. Through you, I and so many others have been and will continue to be blessed to bask in her light. And, we will remember the magical and magnificent sunset she gave to us all.

    When Mahla was a little boy he told me that before he came here, he and God chose me to be his Mom. He said that they knew that I would provide him with what he needed so that he could do what he came here to do….just as Hannah so carefully chose you and Greg and Wes.

  11. Daniela says:

    Dear Allyson, Greg and Wes,
    When I woke up on Fridayx morning, it has been a normal day for me. Then I saw your post on facebook that Hannah left us and it made me so sad. I wish I could express how I feel and my heart is filled with German words that I cannot say in English. Please know that you are with me in my and my family`s thoughts. I am sending you all the love, faith and strength I have.


  12. Tom and Maria Barr says:

    We are deeply saddened to hear of you loss. Your story of strength and love is truly inspiring. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Hannah.
    Tom and Maria

  13. Genny Sedgwick says:

    Dear Allyson, Greg and Wes,

    So sorry to hear of little Hanna’s passing. Hannah was blessed to have a family so loving and caring. I wish we had more to offer during this very difficult time. My thoughts and our prayers are with you.

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